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Nauti-Craft Patent - Exclusivity

Wallaby Boats exercises the exclusive right to build Nauti-Craft Boats

Under the license agreement with Nauti-Craft, Wallaby Boats is exercising the exclusive right to build Nauti-Craft boats between 10 and 25 meters of length. Nauti-Craft and Wallaby Boats are intensifying their cooperation continuously and approach the market as a strong team.

AMC - Advance Motion Compensation

Wallaby Boats has unlimited access to the OFFCON patent for an Advance Motion Compensation system. The system is using multiple sensors to determine the wave situation around the boat, the friction at the bow fender when docked at the boat landing and the vessels motion. By applying AI (artificial intelligence), the system can predict motion and can provide forward feed to actuators such as thrusters or the hydraulic suspension system to reduce this motion.

Energy Recovery

Wallaby Boats has filed for a patent to recover the energy from the suspension system and make it available as electrical energy to the vessels' systems and propulsion instead of converting the absorbed energy into heat and having to get rid of it with heavy and expensive coolers.

COG adjusting LARS

Wallaby Boats has unlimited and exclusive access to the OFFCON patent (pending) for a LARS bar, which adjusts automatically to changing COG. This improves safety during launch and recovery of daughter carfts and improves passenger comfort and safety.

Single Point Hoist LARS

Wallaby Boats has unlimited and exclusive access to the OFFCON patent (in filing process) for a single point hoist for the Wallaby Boats.

Cable Lead across Joints

Wallaby Boats has unlimited and exclusive access to the OFFCON patent (in filing process) for a method to lead cables and hoses over the heavily moving suspension arms of the Nauti-Craft suspension system..